The membership dues to join the Carmel River Steelhead Association (CRSA) are small, $25.00 as an individual and $45.00 as a family, but our influence on the fate of the Carmel River strain of steelhead is large. Although our newsletter is available to anyone upon request and we welcome all qualified volunteers at fish rescues, membership provides you with a say in how we speak for the fish. (Also free pizza and beverages at our annual meeting and invitations to special member-only events.)
CRSA is the only organization whose focus is specifically on the needs of these threatened local fish. Agencies and other NGOs have things other than steelhead as their primary focus. Examples are: 1) The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, while performing good work on the river, is also the agency whose primary responsibility is securing adequate water for the peninsula, which can cause a conflict of interest. 2) The Carmel River Watershed Conservancy which focuses on protection of the natural resources that form the Carmel River Watershed attempts to balance environmental protection and the diverse needs of the community.
Protecting steelhead necessitates working with and, if necessary, challenging agencies and other organizations that have great power over the river and steelhead. With a large and strong membership base, CRSA is in a better position to do this work.
A run of fish such as steelhead indicates a healthy river, watershed and community. Our Carmel River run of steelhead was in excess of 18,000 in the 1920’s and has declined to an average of 242 recorded fish over San Clemente Dam between 2006 and 2015. These are tough, determined fish and they (and their river) do need help!
Please join and help CRSA advocate for steelhead and the Carmel River habitat.
Carmel River Steelhead Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law (EIN/Tax ID # 77-0093979).